Staghorn's revenue statements are now available with MineralAnswers.com. The link to the portal is here: https://www.mineralanswers.com/owner-portal/staghorn-petroleum.
To change your address, just complete the Change of Address (COA) form. Be sure to fill the form out completely and mail to Staghorn at the address below.
Yes! To get started, download the EFT Form.
- Fill it out completely and have all persons listed on the account sign and date the form
- Include a voided check copy for the account you wish to have funds deposited in.
- Scan completed form to land@staghornpetro.com or mail it to:
Staghorn Petroleum II, LLC
One West Third Street, Suite 1000
Tulsa, OK 74103
Note: If you sign up for direct deposit, you will need to get your check detail from www.energylink.com